2018 AORC Rounds 1 & 2 Final Instructions Released with Reminder of New Regulations

Published On: March 1, 2018Categories: Featured, News

Motorcycling Australia (MA) would like to advise all competitors of the 2018 Yamaha Australian Off-Road Championship (AORC) that the final instructions for Rounds 1 & 2 on March 10-11 at Gympie in Queensland are now available.

A reminder the following has changed on the 2018 Supp Regs :


– EJ: All powers (Rider must be under 18 years or under at 1 January 2018)


– All number plates on all machines MUST comply with GCR (Colours for Senior Classes only) and must not contain any decals or advertising other than the required.

– Top 5 from E1, E2, E3, EJ and Women’s class from 2017 may use their finishing position for riding numbers, if racing in the same class they finished in the top 5 of.

– Any rider running their Top 5 class number will be required to run a background plate number code with their number: – E1 – B, E2 – Wh, E3 – Y, EJ – G, Womens – P

– All other riders will be required to use their state registered rider number for the AORC in 2018. (Rule unchanged from 2017)

– State letters will be required on headlights – V=VIC, N=NSW, S=SA, W=WA, Q=QLD, T=TAS (Rule unchanged from 2017)

HEADLIGHT: (REMINDER – Rule unchanged from 2017)

Headlights should be fitted but do not have to be working, except for designated Enduro events where senior machines must have a working: headlight, taillight, brake light (front or rear), and side stand, only if held on public land (GCR a). These requirements do not apply to junior classes although are encouraged.

2018 AORC Supplementary Regulations can be found by clicking here.

This is the link for final instructions.

Stay up to date with all the happenings of the 2018 Yamaha Australian Off-Road Championship by visiting the AORC website, or by following the AORC on Twitter and Facebook as well as @aorc on Instagram.